Social Support

RFJ’s social support includes respite trips, informal classes, training and gentle introduction to learning skills that support with the effects of trauma

Submission to UN Cttee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Relatives for Justice have made a submission to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This Submission focuses on the economic...

“Iraq 10 Years On”

IRAQ 10 YEARS ON By Dr Kathleen Cavanaugh Thursday April 18th 7.30pm RFJ Offices 39 Glen Road Dr Cavanaugh will also be making observations on her recent visits...

Tenacity to Do It

The incredible book of short stories by our creative writing group can be found by clicking here Tenacity to do it Booklet

Remembering Quilt Launch Speech and Poem

Speech by Deputy Director Andrée Murphy at launch of 10th Panel of Remembering Quilt and the poem by Mícheál Gallagher about the square dedicated...

New Activities in Relatives for Justice

Relatives for Justice Social Support   Members are always keen to come along to our trips and classes. If any of these interests you please get...

Stories from the Heart

A group of bereaved women in Short Strand Belfast came together to share their stories of conflict. They chose to share some of that...

Lunch Time Chat to Show 5 Broken Cameras 5th March

  1pm Tuesday 5th March the Lunchtime Chat will show Oscar Nominated 5 Broken Cameras Light Lunch Provided All Welcome    

UPDATED Benefits Advice

Last night Ministers for the Communities Deirdre Hargey introduced new measures for those applying for benefits. Below is latest information. However you should get...