RFJ Director Addresses Congress

Relatives for Justice Director Mark Thompson gave evidence to the Helsinki Commission of the United States Congress Below is the link to the video of...

Report on the murders of Dorothy Maguire and Maura Meehan

Please find this comprehensive report compiled by Relatives for Justice and the families of Maura Meehan and Dorothy Maguire dorothy-maguire-maura-meehan-may-2016

Ambush, Assassination and Impunity

The full report on the killings of four young men in Clonoe in 1992 can be accessed here clonoe-report-lres

Family Pack Launch

Relatives for Justice held a very successful launch of our new family pack in Falls Library today. Junior Minister at OFMdFM Martin Anderson MLA, did...

RFJ’s Submission to UN Human Rights Committee

Please find RFJ's submission to the UN Committee on Human Rights submission_to_unhrc_19th_june_2015

National Security veto and Dealing with the Past

Mark Thompson Blogs on national security and talks and the rights of families to truth and justice national-security-and-dealing-with-the-past

Blog on Fresh Start Agreement Failure to Deal with the Past

Blog by Mark Thompson on the failure yet again to deal with the past blog-re-fresh-start-failure-to-deal-with-the-past

RFJ Presentation to the Public Records Office

This morning our Director Mark Thompson gave this presentation to the Public Records Office on truth and narrative recovery for victims and survivors proni-jan-2016

Pat Finucane Anniversary event

Full details of the Pat Finucane Anniversary lecture a4-p-finucane-feb-2016

Malachy McAllister and the fight for the right to safety and...

Please find a piece written by Mark Thompson on the incredible story of Ormeau Road man Malachy McAllister and his fight to remain in...