15th anniversary of the murder of Gerard Lawlor

RFJ would like to support and endorse the following statement from Naomh Éanna CLG "I ndíl gcuimhne ár gcara Gerard Lawlor. Ní dhéanfaidh Gaedhil dearmad ort...

The Past is Still Present

Presentation to CAJ Human Rights conference in December 2013 the-past-is-still-present-power-pt-3-1

Report on the killing of Damien Walsh

Please find here the report on the life, killing and campaign for the truth of Damien Walsh. This report was launched at his commemoration...

McGurk’s Bar Bombing Families’ Presentation

RFJ were delighted to support last night's McGurk's Bar Bombing lecture on the 45th anniversary of the atrocity. Robert McClenaghan made a presentation on...

Pat Finucane: The Campaign for an Independent Public Inquiry

Mark Thompson has written a document as an update on the campaign for an independent public inquiry into the murder of human rights solicitor...

RFJ Presentation on Inquests 2013

RFJ Presentation to UUJ on Inquests March 2013 inquests-uuj-feb-2013

Roundtable Presentation November 2011

Roundtable Presentation on Dealing with the Past November 2011 roundtable-presentation-nov-2011

Remembering Quilt Leaflet

A short leaflet explaining the Remembering Quilt a5-quilt-lft-high-res-low-res

Loughinisland Poster

An A2 poster which details the bare facts surrounding the 1994 killings in Loughinisland can be found here a2-loughinisland-poster-lres-1

New Lodge 6 Booklet

Please find the Booklet produced by RFJ on the anniversary of the New Lodge 6 massacre new-lodge-a3-lft-jan-2013-lres