Gender Principles for Dealing with the Past

Relatives for Justice were delighted to attend the launch of Gender Principles for Dealing with the Past. This  is an important and unique intervention...

United Nations Calls for HIU establishment and Finucane Public Inquiry

The United Nations has called for a public inquiry into the killing of Pat Finucane and immediate establishment of independent resourced investations into all conflict killings

Powerpoint Presentations at Stormont House Agreement Workshop March 2015

Yesterday we held a very successful workshop for bereaved families on the Stormont House Agreement and what it means for families. Mark Thompson gave...

Launch of “Dealing With the Past in Ireland: Where are the...

Yesterday in Stormont Relatives for Justice launched our report "Dealing with the Past in Ireland: Where Are the Women? An Argument for the Implementation...

Collusion in Cappagh Killings

The full Relatives for Justice report into the Cappagh Killings can be found by clicking here Collusion in Cappagh Report  

Comhaontú na Nollag – Some thoughts

The recent political agreement has rightly been described as a ‘heads of agreement paper’ with important key broad themes being agreed in which the...

Remedying the Past; Healing for the Future – RFJ Speech and...

ON 3rd October 2014 the QUB School of Law with the Commission for Victims and Survivors held an informative and innovative conference on the...

Speech by Mark Thompson to TJI Article 2 Conference

The speech delivered to the Transitional Justice Institute conference on Article 2 and Dealing with the Past by Mark Thompson can be found by...

RFJ submission to the European Council’s Committee of Ministers October 2014

Relatives for Justice made a submission to the European Council's Committee of Ministers on the British Government's response to judgments by the European Court...

RFJ Submission to the Haas and O’Sullivan Talks

Please find here Relatives for Justice Submission to Haas Talks Nov 2013