Walker Report

Possibly the single most important piece of official enablement of the policy of collusion, the Walker Report was the "guide" on informer and agent...

Relatives for Justice Submission to the Heenan Anderson Consultation

Relatives for Justice have made a lengthy submission to the Heenan-Anderson Commission on the causes of levels of poverty and deprivation in the North...

Report into the killing of Gavin McShane May 1994

Please find here the family regarding the killings of 17 year olds Gavin McShane and Shane McArdle in May 1994 Gavin McShane Family Report

Pat Finucane: The Campaign for an Independent Public Inquiry

Mark Thompson has written a document as an update on the campaign for an independent public inquiry into the murder of human rights solicitor...

McGurk’s Bar Bombing Families’ Presentation

RFJ were delighted to support last night's McGurk's Bar Bombing lecture on the 45th anniversary of the atrocity. Robert McClenaghan made a presentation on...

State Impunity Was Official Policy

Relatives for Justice Press Release – Monday June 18th 2012 Unearthed official British government document from July 1972 shows evidence of impunity for killings carried...

Cory Report Breen and Buchanan

Please find the report by Judge Cory on the killings of RUC members Breen and Buchanan cory03breenbuchanan

RFJ submission to European Court Committee of Ministers October 2015

Rule 9 submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Execution of Judgments of European Court of Human Rights in McKerr, Hemsworth, McCaughey, Grew,...

Launch of “Dealing With the Past in Ireland: Where are the...

Yesterday in Stormont Relatives for Justice launched our report "Dealing with the Past in Ireland: Where Are the Women? An Argument for the Implementation...