Ombudsman Report on Loughinisland

To see full report by Dr Michael Maguire on Loughinisland killings of 1994 please click here Loughinisland-Report

Peggy Whyte 40th anniversary – RFJ Statement

Remarks by Andrée Murphy Peggy Whyte 40th Anniversary Shaftesbury Recreation Centre 12/04/2024   I want to begin by acknowledging the family of Peggy Whyte this evening. The video we have...

Theresa Clinton 30th anniversary – RFJ

30th anniversary of the murder of Theresa Clinton 14/04/2024 Remarks by Andrée Murphy, Relatives for Justice   Two years ago in the Shaftesbury Recreation Centre we read the only...

Relatives for Justice Submission to the Heenan Anderson Consultation

Relatives for Justice have made a lengthy submission to the Heenan-Anderson Commission on the causes of levels of poverty and deprivation in the North...

RFJ Submission to UN Special Rapporteur on his country visit

Last night RFJ members met with Mr Pablo De Greiff in the RFJ Belfast offices. Mr De Greiff is the UN Special Rapporteur on...

RFJ submission to European Court Committee of Ministers October 2015

Rule 9 submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Execution of Judgments of European Court of Human Rights in McKerr, Hemsworth, McCaughey, Grew,...

Relatives for Justice paper on British “national security” and families’ Right...

On 3rd October 2015 the media leaked a draft bill which was under consideration at the multi-party negotiations for the implementation of the Stormont...

Relatives for Justice Submission to European Court October 2015

The first  link will show all the listed submissions and communications RFJ have made in this past year regarding the UK government meeting its...

Who will Report on the Writers of the Report?

Today the British Secretary of State will give a statement on a report carried out by the British Security Service and other state agencies. RFJ...

Submission to UN Cttee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Relatives for Justice have made a submission to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This Submission focuses on the economic...