Stormont House Agreement

The text of the Stormont House Agreement can be found here stormont_house_agreement

Consultative Group on the Past

The full findings of the Consultative Group on the Past can be found here eames-bradley

Cory Report Breen and Buchanan

Please find the report by Judge Cory on the killings of RUC members Breen and Buchanan cory03breenbuchanan

Relatives for Justice submission to the Committee of Ministers at the...

The following is the Relatives for Justice submission to the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe regarding the ongoing failure by the...

Cory Collusion Report Rosemary Nelson

The report by Judge Cory on the killing of Rosemary Nelson can be found here cory03nelson

Cory Collusion Report on Patrick Finucane

Please find pdf of the report Judge Cory on matters of collusion in the killing of human rights solicitor Pat Finucane cory03finucane

The Barron report into the Dublin Monaghan bombings

Please find the findings of the Joint Oireachtas Committee Inquiry into the Dublin Monaghan bombings Barron Report

De Silva Report of the Pat Finucane Review

Please find pdf of the report of the review of the killing of Pat Finucane carried out by Desmond De Silva QC de-silva-report-on-pat-finucane

Stevens 3 Report

The Stevens 3 Report on collusion can be found here stevens-3-inquiry-report

Walker Report

Possibly the single most important piece of official enablement of the policy of collusion, the Walker Report was the "guide" on informer and agent...