RFJ Submission to Irish 3rd Action Plan on Women Peace and...

Relatives for Justice has made a submission to the Irish Government's consultation on Women, Peace and Security UNSCR1325. This was an opportunity to highlight...

Jim Doherty Family Report

Six year old Jim Doherty was shot in West Belfast on October 8th 1972, he died a week later. No organisation has claimed responsibility...

Stories from the Heart

A group of bereaved women in Short Strand Belfast came together to share their stories of conflict. They chose to share some of that...

Report into the killing of Gavin McShane May 1994

Please find here the family regarding the killings of 17 year olds Gavin McShane and Shane McArdle in May 1994 Gavin McShane Family Report

Malachy McAllister and the fight for the right to safety and...

Please find a piece written by Mark Thompson on the incredible story of Ormeau Road man Malachy McAllister and his fight to remain in...

RFJ Responds to Inquest Funding Judicial Review Judgment

Please find full statement by Justice Girvan today regarding failures to fund Legacy Inquests. The Executive Office, the Dept of Justice and the Secretary...

Blog on Fresh Start Agreement Failure to Deal with the Past

Blog by Mark Thompson on the failure yet again to deal with the past blog-re-fresh-start-failure-to-deal-with-the-past

Powerpoint Presentations at Stormont House Agreement Workshop March 2015

Yesterday we held a very successful workshop for bereaved families on the Stormont House Agreement and what it means for families. Mark Thompson gave...

Pat Finucane: The Campaign for an Independent Public Inquiry

Mark Thompson has written a document as an update on the campaign for an independent public inquiry into the murder of human rights solicitor...