Report into the killing of Gavin McShane May 1994

Please find here the family regarding the killings of 17 year olds Gavin McShane and Shane McArdle in May 1994 Gavin McShane Family Report

Joseph McCrystal Family Report

The family of Joseph McCrystal has worked over the past number of years with Relatives for Justice to produce a report into the circumstances...

Who will Report on the Writers of the Report?

Today the British Secretary of State will give a statement on a report carried out by the British Security Service and other state agencies. RFJ...

The Barron report into the Dublin Monaghan bombings

Please find the findings of the Joint Oireachtas Committee Inquiry into the Dublin Monaghan bombings Barron Report

McGurk’s Bar Bombing Families’ Presentation

RFJ were delighted to support last night's McGurk's Bar Bombing lecture on the 45th anniversary of the atrocity. Robert McClenaghan made a presentation on...

Cory Collusion Report on Patrick Finucane

Please find pdf of the report Judge Cory on matters of collusion in the killing of human rights solicitor Pat Finucane cory03finucane

De Silva Report of the Pat Finucane Review

Please find pdf of the report of the review of the killing of Pat Finucane carried out by Desmond De Silva QC de-silva-report-on-pat-finucane

Jim Doherty Family Report

Six year old Jim Doherty was shot in West Belfast on October 8th 1972, he died a week later. No organisation has claimed responsibility...

Family Report into the death of Thomas Burns

Last week the family of Thomas Burns launched their report, compiled with Relatives for Justice, into the death of their father/grandfather Thomas Burns. The...