Relatives for Justice statement at the conclusion of the Pearse Jordan...

RFJ Statement in today's verdict in the inquest of Pearse Jordan RfJ pays tribute to the parents of Pearse Jordan as judgefails to endorse police...

Call for British Gov to stop politicking with victims

Relatives for Justice Director (RFJ), Mark Thompson, has called on the North’s “Secretary of State to stop the politicking and delaying tactics preventing legacy...

Call on Chief Constable George Hamilton to ban Plastic Bullets

Full Statement non Plastic Bullets by RFJ's chairperson Clara Reilly RFJ Chairperson and anti-plastic bullet campaigner Clara Reilly has made a direct call on PSNI...

PSNI fail to uphold and apply law regarding offensive Cappagh Banner

The PSNI has refused to remove an overtly sectarian and grossly offensive banner erected to loyalist sectarian killer Billy Wright that celebrates the murder...

RUC pathetic excuses facilitate continuing impunity – PPS must act

By RFJ Director Mark Thompson In 2003 Relatives for Justice (RFJ) learned that the RUC destroyed thousands of documents, interview notes, and statements stored at...

OTR Report should Inform Process on Past – Not Delay It

Relatives for Justice Director Mark Thompson has issued the following statement following news of delay on talks to deal with the past: "Today’s announcement that...

#Time4Truth Video Launched

Tonight the #Time4Truth Video was Launched, view it below:


Today is UN International Day for the Right to Truth and to coincide with this Relatives for Justice will this evening launch a short...

Speech by Monsignor Raymond Murray on the 25th anniversary of the...

PAT FINUCANE What's in a name? In time it absorbs the whole character and nature of the person. The name Pat Finucane reverberates in our...

Collusion Report 1990 -1994

In 1995 Relatives for Justice produced a groundbreaking document which documented the victims of collusion following the shipment of weapons to loyalism under the...