New Year New Classes and Activities in RFJ!

Relatives for Justice Social Support   Relatives for Justice are delighted to launch our new planned activities for the new year. As you will see there...

US Help for Families Is Needed

Victims' Relatives Need American Help Now to Break British Embargo on Justice Relatives for Justice wish to thank the Irish Echo for publishing this article...

Relatives for Justice statement in response to queries from Newsletter

In response to questions asked of us by the Belfast Newsletter's Philip Bradfield Relatives for Justice issues the following statement Philip A Chara, “Relatives For Justice...

RFJ joins with partners to try to break national security logjam

On the morning of the 4th April 2017, a document was publicly launched in the Law School at Queens University, Belfast which proposed a...

Presenting British soldiers being asked questions about killings as victims is...

In response to today’s question from backbench Tory MP’s about a possible statute of limitation on killings by the British army and Theresa May’s...

European Court demands Britain deal with the past and deliver to...

Please see the key points as raised by the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe who are still scrutinising the UK for...

Pat Finucane: The Campaign for an Independent Public Inquiry

Mark Thompson has written a document as an update on the campaign for an independent public inquiry into the murder of human rights solicitor...

Irish Government raises Britain’s failings on Pat Finucane, inquests and SHA...

Today's submission by the Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan to the European Court of Human Rights' Committee of Ministers makes for interesting...

RUC/PSNI conspiracy of silence in killing of John Hemsworth

EMBARGOED: 00.00 Thursday 24TH November 2016 Truth established by Police Ombudsman’s findings but conspiracy of silence by former RUC and serving PSNI officers maintains final...

Supergrass Haggarty appears in Court

The final stages in a long saga occurred last Monday morning as loyalist leader Gary Haggarty finally pleaded guilty. Justice might now emerge as...