US Congress members raise concerns on Legacy with British Government

Tonight the British Government representative in Washington has received a letter from Congressmen from both sides of the House expressing concern at the British...

Association of the Bar of the City of New York issues...

The Association of the Bar of the City of New York has released the following statement to the British Prime Minister Theresa May and...

Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey finally leaves the building

A final hearing in the judicial review - by the former RUC member Hawthorne, the former head of RUC Special Branch Raymond White and...

Response to NIO statement re Political Negotiations

Statement by RFJ Director Mark Thompson in response to the statement by the NIO this morning regarding the funding of legacy inquests and a...

Ormeau Road Families Respond to Ombudsman Collusion Report Crisis

This statement is issued through Relatives for Justice on behalf of the five families bereaved in the Ormeau Road Bookies atrocity on 5th February...

Ombudsman forced to delay publication of Collusion reports

Statement from Paul Butler Caseworker for Relatives for Justice (RFJ) who has been supporting families engaging with the Police Ombudsman including the family of...

The Passing of Niecie Kelly

By Mark Thompson “Well Ciaran good to see you chara.” “Mark just to let you know Niecie Kelly is critical ill and we’re preparing for the...

Loughinisland – Drama heaped on Families’ Trauma

By Mike Ritchie Police Ombudsman and Loughinisland families ask Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey to recuse himself from the judicial review by former head of RUC...

Albany and a Míle Buíochas

It was great to see a strong contingent of Ulster people at the Pearl River meeting - counties Tyrone, Fermanagh and Armagh being strongly...

First we take Manhattan

It was a packed house last night in the Wolf Tone Irish Pub. It was great to see the President of the Brehon Law...