RFJ Bus Run to Downpatrick Gaol

On Saturday last RFJ ran a bus to Downpatrick Gaol. It was definitely a cold one! But everyone had a great time and learned...

Significant Day in Stanislaus Carberry Civil Case

Soldier B finally gave his evidence today (Thursday 26th May, 2022) in the Carberry civil case, which has been running since January 2021. Notes...

Concern at use of Plastic Bullets – They must be Banned

Statement by Mark Thompson CEO "We note with concern the use of plastic bullets this week on the Shankill Road Belfast "Plastic bullets have no role...

Europe Ministers highly critical of UK legacy proposals

As part of our continued engagement with international human rights bodies, RFJ submitted a report to the Committee of Ministers – the decision-making body...

CAJ statement on failure to address the past and attacks on...

Please see the link to a statement by our colleagues at CAJ concerning the recent announcement by the UK SoS for the North, Mr....

Presenting British soldiers being asked questions about killings as victims is...

In response to today’s question from backbench Tory MP’s about a possible statute of limitation on killings by the British army and Theresa May’s...

Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey finally leaves the building

A final hearing in the judicial review - by the former RUC member Hawthorne, the former head of RUC Special Branch Raymond White and...

Pension Amendment is hypocritical, and leaves those in need behind

Relatives for Justice CEO Mark Thompson speaking to the media today regarding proposals for a pension for the injured for inclusion in the NI...

State impunity was British policy

The BBC coverage relating to the disclosure of top secret British army memos proving that impunity was British state policy can be viewed here State...