US Congressional Representatives sign letter calling on UK government to halt...

Relatives for Justice CEO, Mark Thompson, has welcomed the bi-partisan Congressional intervention adding: “There has rightly been consistent criticism of this shameful bill by...

The family of Rosaleen O’Kane “hopeful” after Court Ruling

RFJ member Kathleen Graham, successfully obtained leave today to challenge the PSNI’s continued failure to investigate the murder of her sister Rosaleen O’Kane. Rosaleen, ...

British Government response to NIAC legacy criticisms are an obfuscation

The British government is ignoring the results of the consultation on the Stormont House Agreement, which engendered thousands of responses of support for the...

Final Day of Legacy Act Challenge:

The seventh hearing day of the judicial review against the Legacy Act started with the final oral submissions of barrister Tony McGleenan KC acting...

Statement from the family of Danny Cassidy following PONI report

“The family of Danny Cassidy wish to thank the Police Ombudsman for the briefing they received yesterday on her investigation into the RUC in...

High Court tells murdered man’s children “you are out of time...

High Court judge dismisses civil proceedings brought by Carberry family against the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in relation to the killing of their father...

US Senate Resolution Calls for Full Implementation of Stormont House Agreement

In an unprecedented bi-partisan resolution, 15 members of the United States Senate are calling for the full implementation of the Stormont House Agreement. The...

Inquest into Topper Thompson’s Death: Tommy Holland’s Evidence

The second of three modules in the inquest of Paul "Topper" Thompson concluded today, Thursday 8th June 2023. The primary witness was Mr Thomas...

Covid – 19 Benefits Advice

Our Advice Coodinator Áine Malone has taken the information and announcements from the Minister for Communities Deirdre Hargey and put them into a fact...

Report on Inquest Disclosure points to ongoing PSNI and British Gov...

Mike Ritchie, RFJ's Casework Manager has released the following statement in response to the report of the Criminal Justice Inspectorate on inquest disclosure. "Relatives for...