Springhill Westrock Inquest: MoD continues to criminalise Springhill Community in efforts...

The Springhill Westrock Inquest continued today hearing civilian witness Martin (Gill) McShane who was 21 years old in 1972 and lived at Westrock Gardens....

Civilian witness tells Springhill inquest of bravery of victims who died...

The Springhill inquest resumed today with evidence from two more civilian witnesses being heard. One of those witnesses, Mary McVeigh, told the inquest that...

Springhill inquest:13-year-old body of Margaret Gargan carried from scene on a...

Traumatic evidence of civilians having to carry the body of 13-year-old Margaret Gargan whilst coming under heavy gunfire from the British army was heard...

Legacy Act delivers devastating blow to Police Ombudsman families

Yesterday afternoon the Office of the Police Ombudsman delivered 26 letters to our offices which were addressed to 26 families whom Relatives for Justice...

Springhill inquest: Ambulance workers harassed while bringing Fr Fitzpatrick’s body...

Today the Springhill inquest heard evidence from two people who worked as volunteers for the Order of Malta ambulance service. They were based in...

Legacy Act Challenge: “defective and unlawful architecture”

The first hearing of the legal challenges to the Legacy Act brought by several victims and survivors of the conflict has begun today in...

Sam Marshall Inquest in jeopardy

The PSNI’s failure to disclose sensitive information has successfully delayed the inquest into the death of Sam Marshall, a Lurgan man assassinated outside the...

Legacy Act Challenge: Days 3 and 4

Day 3 of the judicial review challenge against the Legacy Act commenced on Thursday, 23rd of November, with the oral submissions of Hugh Southey KC on...

Springhill Inquest: Soldiers give evidence, but hide their identities

First week of military witness’ evidence at Springhill inquest and families of loved ones killed by the British Army still do not know identities...

RFJ submission to Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe...

RFJ today made its submission to the Committee of Ministers at the Council of Europe. This submission details concerns regarding the tawdry conduct of...