Caseys Bottling Plant Killings Remembered

Today Relatives for Justice were honoured to be a part of the commemoration of those killed in Casey's Bottling Plant in October 1975.   The...

Report on Inquest Disclosure points to ongoing PSNI and British Gov...

Mike Ritchie, RFJ's Casework Manager has released the following statement in response to the report of the Criminal Justice Inspectorate on inquest disclosure. "Relatives for...

Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Dealing with the Past Welcomed

Tonight Relatives for Justice wish to welcome and endorse the statement by Catholic Bishops on dealing with the past. It is a comprehensive statement...

Pat Irvine speaks about impact of failure to deal with the...

Pat Irvine is the daughter of Kathleen Irvine, one of 15 killed in McGurk's Bar December 1971. We have great pleasure in hosting her...

Payments for the injured – All those injured must be included

by Mark Thompson For anyone who cares to peel back the veneer the matter of who funds a payments scheme for the injured isn’t the...

Leo Norney’s family finally vindicated:  court finds British soldier went out...

Judge Patrick McGurgan today delivered his findings into the death of Leo Norney who was shot and killed by a member of the Black...

Theresa Clinton Memorial Plaque

Last night in a poignant and emotional tribute, the Lower Ormeau community unveiled a plaque dedicated to Theresa Clinton, murdered in 1994. The proceedings began...

Reaction to the PPS decision not to prosecute 1969 RUC killings

30th July 2020 RFJ statement in response to PPS decision in respect of the deaths of Patrick Rooney, Hugh McCabe and Samuel McLarnon by the...

A Message to Bill Pribyl From RFJ

RFJ's Belfast staff team met this morning to send our friends Bill Pribyl and Catherine Reinholdt a message of love and best wishes. Get well...

Flower Arranging in RFJ

The flower arranging class in Gulladuff provides our members with an opportunity with a new skill set, a sense of achievement and self-worth.  There...