20th Anniversary of Fergal McCusker

In a statement issued through Relatives for Justice and Padraig O’Muirigh Solicitors the family of Fergal McCusker, murdered by the LVF in Co. Derry...

Pearl River and thoughts of home

After speaking at Devision 3 AOH in Pearl River, Rockland County, we headed over to Rockland GAA club to meet and talk to people...

Remembering Peter Thompson

It’s Saturday 13th of January today - I never do this as part of my job at RFJ, speak to or write about the...

Loughinisland Families dignity reaffirmed

A packed court hears a lesson in legal procedure yet the Loughinisland families’ dignity is reaffirmed By Mike Ritchie, who was at today's proceedings The relatives...

Blog from the US East Coast – Day 1

By Mark Thompson in New York Unable to get to DC we made our way through the bustling traffic and people of Midtown Manhattan for...

New Year New Classes and Activities in RFJ!

Relatives for Justice Social Support   Relatives for Justice are delighted to launch our new planned activities for the new year. As you will see there...

US Help for Families Is Needed

Victims' Relatives Need American Help Now to Break British Embargo on Justice Relatives for Justice wish to thank the Irish Echo for publishing this article...

McCord letter captures frustrations of conflict bereaved families

Relatives for Justice is pleased to share points raised by Raymond McCord Snr. concerning the UVF killing of his son Raymond Jnr. in a...

Realtives for Justice latest Submission to the ECtHR Committee of Ministers

Our submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has now been posted on the website. There is no NIO response...

Mass to remember Tess and Charlie Fox 25th anniversary

Last night, Relatives for Justice staff were privileged to attend the 25th anniversary mass to remember Charlie and Tess Fox, killed in the Moy...