Presenting British soldiers being asked questions about killings as victims is...

In response to today’s question from backbench Tory MP’s about a possible statute of limitation on killings by the British army and Theresa May’s...

Evidence to Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty

The following evidence was given to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty Philip Alston by our Welfare and Advice Coordinator Aine Malone...

Family Report into the death of Thomas Burns

Last week the family of Thomas Burns launched their report, compiled with Relatives for Justice, into the death of their father/grandfather Thomas Burns. The...

Realtives for Justice latest Submission to the ECtHR Committee of Ministers

Our submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has now been posted on the website. There is no NIO response...

Ormeau Rd Bookies Atrocity families issue statement

In a brief statement released through Relatives for Justice, LORAG & KRW Law, the families of the bereaved and those injured in the Sean...

Albany and a Míle Buíochas

It was great to see a strong contingent of Ulster people at the Pearl River meeting - counties Tyrone, Fermanagh and Armagh being strongly...

Springhill Inquest Tuesday 21st February 2023

By Paul Butler The second day of the Springhill inquest was taken up mostly with counsel for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) outlining the legal...

RFJ meet with NIO re Implementation of Legacy Obligations

Relatives for Justice today met with NIO Minister Shailesh Vara MP, who has responsibility for legacy. The meeting was at Stormont House. The RFJ delegation...

Springhill inquest will not be concluded in this calendar year says...

The Springhill Inquest resumed on Friday 21st April to review the proceedings to date. The coroner Mr. Justice Scofield stated that it was his...