US Congress set the standard for incoming British PM

This week US Congress representatives wrote to the three leaders of Britain's largest parties expressing their ongoing support for the Good Friday Agreement and...

Springhill inquest: Ambulance workers harassed while bringing Fr Fitzpatrick’s body...

Today the Springhill inquest heard evidence from two people who worked as volunteers for the Order of Malta ambulance service. They were based in...

Fury at single worst day for all victims during our peace...

Mark Thompson RFJ CEO Relatives for Justice wishes to express its anger at the vindictive proposals from the British House of Commons today. This marks the...

Ballymurphy Massacre – Inquest Opens

Today had been listed for many months as the opening of the new inquest into the Ballymurphy Massacre, when 11 people were killed by...

Relatives for Justice statement in response to queries from Newsletter

In response to questions asked of us by the Belfast Newsletter's Philip Bradfield Relatives for Justice issues the following statement Philip A Chara, “Relatives For Justice...

Relatives for Justice welcomes statement of support from Senate Leader Schumer

Following a constructive meeting today between US Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and Relatives for Justice, the Ancient Order of Hibernians and representatives...

Legacy Legal Limbo – Inquests update

Presiding Coroner Mr. Justice Humphreys describes present situation as a ‘legal limbo.’   The Presiding Coroner Mr. Justice Humphreys conducted a review of legacy related...

RFJ meet with NIO re Implementation of Legacy Obligations

Relatives for Justice today met with NIO Minister Shailesh Vara MP, who has responsibility for legacy. The meeting was at Stormont House. The RFJ delegation...

Testimony to US Congress’ Helsinki Commission by Mark Thompson March 22...

Please see the testimony by Mark Thompson to US Congress' Helsinki Commission on 22 March 2018. We wish to thank Congressman Chris Smith for...

Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey finally leaves the building

A final hearing in the judicial review - by the former RUC member Hawthorne, the former head of RUC Special Branch Raymond White and...