DPP did not act in interests of families affected by legacy...

The former Director for Public Prosecutions was heavily criticised in a High Court judgment for failing to prosecute British soldier yesterday. Speaking this morning CEO...

Victims Voice and Visibililty: Disruption and Discomfort

“Victims’ voice and visibility: disruption and discomfort” Andrée Murphy At the Victimhood and Dealing with the Past Conference, QUB, 14th May 2018 ______________________________________________________ Thanks to Cheryl and Kieran...

Consultation on Dealing with the Past Launched: Initial thoughts

Initial response to publication of consultation on legislation to address the past We welcome the long overdue publication of this legislation that will hopefully give...

RFJ meet with NIO re Implementation of Legacy Obligations

Relatives for Justice today met with NIO Minister Shailesh Vara MP, who has responsibility for legacy. The meeting was at Stormont House. The RFJ delegation...

Theresa Clinton Memorial Plaque

Last night in a poignant and emotional tribute, the Lower Ormeau community unveiled a plaque dedicated to Theresa Clinton, murdered in 1994. The proceedings began...

US Congress members raise concerns on Legacy with British Government

Tonight the British Government representative in Washington has received a letter from Congressmen from both sides of the House expressing concern at the British...

Association of the Bar of the City of New York issues...

The Association of the Bar of the City of New York has released the following statement to the British Prime Minister Theresa May and...

Mark Thompson’s Report from Washington and Boston

Please read Mark Thompson's report from his recent trip to Washington and Boston where he addressed the US Congress' Helsinki Commission on Human Rights,...

Report on the killing of Damien Walsh

Please find here the report on the life, killing and campaign for the truth of Damien Walsh. This report was launched at his commemoration...

RFJ Responds to Inquest Funding Judicial Review Judgment

Please find full statement by Justice Girvan today regarding failures to fund Legacy Inquests. The Executive Office, the Dept of Justice and the Secretary...