US Congress set the standard for incoming British PM

This week US Congress representatives wrote to the three leaders of Britain's largest parties expressing their ongoing support for the Good Friday Agreement and...

Report on Inquest Disclosure points to ongoing PSNI and British Gov...

Mike Ritchie, RFJ's Casework Manager has released the following statement in response to the report of the Criminal Justice Inspectorate on inquest disclosure. "Relatives for...

Police Ombudsman’s rpeort into the killing of Gerard Lawlor released tomorrow

The Police Ombudsman’s report into the murder of Gerard Lawlor on 22 July 2002, will be published tomorrow. The family made their complaint to PONI...

Seamus Dillon Inquest Summary

Banbridge (Sightlink 62) Tranche 1 – Civilian Witnesses Tranche 1 general summary: The inquest into Seamus Dillon’s murder began on the 17th of March 2023 before His...

Information for Families Engaging Inquests

RFJ Support for Families During Inquests The inquest process can be very challenging for families. Some inquests open, close and reopen causing distress. Some inquests...

RFJ joins with partners to try to break national security logjam

On the morning of the 4th April 2017, a document was publicly launched in the Law School at Queens University, Belfast which proposed a...

Dessie Healey, 14 yrs, Family Report Launch

Today marks the 51st anniversary of the murder of Desmond ‘Dessie’ Healey. He was only 14 years old, a schoolboy, when he was killed...

RFJ update letter to Committee of Ministers Nov 2020

Relatives for Justice sent additional information to the Committee of Ministers in November 2020 due to growing concerns regarding the approach of the British...

McCord letter captures frustrations of conflict bereaved families

Relatives for Justice is pleased to share points raised by Raymond McCord Snr. concerning the UVF killing of his son Raymond Jnr. in a...