Pension Amendment is hypocritical, and leaves those in need behind

Relatives for Justice CEO Mark Thompson speaking to the media today regarding proposals for a pension for the injured for inclusion in the NI...

Victims of State Violence To Meet Karen Bradley

07/03/2019 Families bereaved by the state and through collusion to meet Karen Bradley A delegation of bereaved families, accompanied by the Pat Finucane Centre and Relatives...

Relatives for Justice responds to Comments from European Court on Finucane...

RFJ Welcomes Findings of the Committee of Ministers By RFJ Caseworker Irati Oleaga Aiesta The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, in its constant...

Michael Lynch’s family respond to Police Ombudsman Report on RUC killing

Statement issued by Relatives For Justice on behalf of the family of Michael Lynch in response to the Police Ombudsman’s public statement on his...

Mark Thompson’s Report from Washington and Boston

Please read Mark Thompson's report from his recent trip to Washington and Boston where he addressed the US Congress' Helsinki Commission on Human Rights,...

Springhill Inquest: MoD questioning of civilians witnesses having a ‘chill effect’

The Springhill/Westrock inquest today heard from Gerard Mateer. Mr Mateer was 11 years old at the time and lived in St James area. He...

The Scandal of Hidden State Files on Murdered Children

We were shocked when our colleagues in the Pat Finucane Centre told us that they have found that files at Kew National Archives referring...

RFJ joins with partners to try to break national security logjam

On the morning of the 4th April 2017, a document was publicly launched in the Law School at Queens University, Belfast which proposed a...

Belfast Mother Writes to Joe Biden Seeking Assistance

Rosemary McKenna-Thompson Belfast Ireland   US President, Mr. Joe Biden White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 June 2023 Dear Mr. President, It was so uplifting and heartening to watch you on...

Families appeal to those harmed to make submissions to the consultation...

Please see this appeal from the families of Patrick Heenan, Stan Carberry, Kevin Barry O'Donnell, Larry Marley and Patrick Falls calling on other families...