Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Dealing with the Past Welcomed

Tonight Relatives for Justice wish to welcome and endorse the statement by Catholic Bishops on dealing with the past. It is a comprehensive statement...

Easter Flower Arrangement

Just like last week we are putting up a Remote Flower Arranging Class from our lovely Flower Arranging Tutor Caroline D'Eath Just follow the step...

Relatives for Justice responds to CJI findings on failure of PSNI...

PSNI culture defends RUC Special Branch RFJ CEO Mark Thompson said: "The PSNI has treated the office of the Police Ombudsman with utter contempt when it comes...

Sending Niall Healing Thoughts. Sé Ár Laoch, Ár Ghile Meár

We know that Niall Murphy is highly respected and well liked but we have been overwhelmed by the messages of love and support to...

Only Independent Investigations can address legacy – Why we need the...

By RFJ CEO Mark Thompson The conflict was characterized by British Government policies and practices of the casual use of lethal force against a civilian...

Support for self employed

Advice Coordinator Aine Malone has compiled the following information for those self employed facing financial difficulty as a result of the Covid-19 emergency. This...

UPDATED Benefits Advice

Last night Ministers for the Communities Deirdre Hargey introduced new measures for those applying for benefits. Below is latest information. However you should get...

Covid – 19 Benefits Advice

Our Advice Coodinator Áine Malone has taken the information and announcements from the Minister for Communities Deirdre Hargey and put them into a fact...