Ombudsman forced to delay publication of Collusion reports

Statement from Paul Butler Caseworker for Relatives for Justice (RFJ) who has been supporting families engaging with the Police Ombudsman including the family of...

Payments for the injured – All those injured must be included

by Mark Thompson For anyone who cares to peel back the veneer the matter of who funds a payments scheme for the injured isn’t the...

McGurk’s Bar Bombing Families’ Presentation

RFJ were delighted to support last night's McGurk's Bar Bombing lecture on the 45th anniversary of the atrocity. Robert McClenaghan made a presentation on...

Relatives for Justice response to the public consultation on a Payments...

Relatives for Justice has made a comprehensive response to the British Government proposals for a payment scheme for the injured. Our full response can...

Relatives for Justice reacts to NIO amendments to the Legacy and...

June 8th 2023 NIO amendments to the Legacy and Reconciliation Bill of Shame only makes the situation worse. The rights of victims and survivors will be...

RFJ submission to Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe...

RFJ today made its submission to the Committee of Ministers at the Council of Europe. This submission details concerns regarding the tawdry conduct of...

Springhill inquest: Ambulance workers harassed while bringing Fr Fitzpatrick’s body...

Today the Springhill inquest heard evidence from two people who worked as volunteers for the Order of Malta ambulance service. They were based in...

Consultation on Dealing with the Past Launched: Initial thoughts

Initial response to publication of consultation on legislation to address the past We welcome the long overdue publication of this legislation that will hopefully give...