Theresa Clinton Memorial Plaque

Last night in a poignant and emotional tribute, the Lower Ormeau community unveiled a plaque dedicated to Theresa Clinton, murdered in 1994. The proceedings began...

Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest – the last day of Family Testimony

By Andrée Murphy “The hardest thing I have ever had to do.” “That’s it, we all did them justice.” “Every one of us became children again.” “It was...

Lewis’ Legal Aid Claims are False and Misleading

Relatives for Justice (RFJ) CEO, Mark Thompson, said; “A claim by Brandon Lewis that £500 million has been spent since 2011 on legacy civil...

Consultation on Dealing with the Past Launched: Initial thoughts

Initial response to publication of consultation on legislation to address the past We welcome the long overdue publication of this legislation that will hopefully give...

PSNI Vindictively Attack victims of RUC collusion as they lay flowers

Today at a small, safe and socially distanced wreathlaying the relatives of people killed in the Ormeau Rd bookmakers atrocity and some of those...

Anti-Victim Legislation Condemned

Mark Thompson, CEO of Relatives for Justice has responded to the introduction of a Bill on Legacy in the House of Commons today: “Let’s be...

OTR Report should Inform Process on Past – Not Delay It

Relatives for Justice Director Mark Thompson has issued the following statement following news of delay on talks to deal with the past: "Today’s announcement that...

Ormeau Road Families note statement by PSNI Chief Constable

The past 24 hours have been been deeply traumatic and stressful for all of the families and survivors of the Ormeau Road Sean Grahams'...

Relatives for Justice responds to CJI findings on failure of PSNI...

PSNI culture defends RUC Special Branch RFJ CEO Mark Thompson said: "The PSNI has treated the office of the Police Ombudsman with utter contempt when it comes...

Concern at use of Plastic Bullets – They must be Banned

Statement by Mark Thompson CEO "We note with concern the use of plastic bullets this week on the Shankill Road Belfast "Plastic bullets have no role...