US Congressional Representatives sign letter calling on UK government to halt...

Relatives for Justice CEO, Mark Thompson, has welcomed the bi-partisan Congressional intervention adding: “There has rightly been consistent criticism of this shameful bill by...

RFJ Meets Declan Morgan

On 10 July 2023, Relatives For Justice (RFJ) met with former Lord Chief Justice, Declan Morgan, at his request. As Chief Commissioner, under the...

British army murder teenager Leo Norney: “A Deliberate Act”

Leo Norney was only 17 years old when he was shot dead by British soldiers on the 13th September 1975. The British Army falsely...

Leo Norney’s family finally vindicated:  court finds British soldier went out...

Judge Patrick McGurgan today delivered his findings into the death of Leo Norney who was shot and killed by a member of the Black...

Belfast Mother Writes to Joe Biden Seeking Assistance

Rosemary McKenna-Thompson Belfast Ireland   US President, Mr. Joe Biden White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 June 2023 Dear Mr. President, It was so uplifting and heartening to watch you on...

Outstanding Legacy Inquests to be reviewed by presiding coroner this week

The following is the press release issued by Presiding Coroner Justice Humpreys today in advance of a review of inquests this coming Friday. This...

Relatives for Justice reacts to NIO amendments to the Legacy and...

June 8th 2023 NIO amendments to the Legacy and Reconciliation Bill of Shame only makes the situation worse. The rights of victims and survivors will be...

Inquest into Topper Thompson’s Death: Tommy Holland’s Evidence

The second of three modules in the inquest of Paul "Topper" Thompson concluded today, Thursday 8th June 2023. The primary witness was Mr Thomas...

Witnesses give evidence in the Paul “Topper” Thompson inquest

Monday 5th June 2023 On the night of 27 April 1994, Paul “Topper” Thompson was murdered by UDA gunmen in Springfield Park. This area of...

Information for Families Engaging Inquests

RFJ Support for Families During Inquests The inquest process can be very challenging for families. Some inquests open, close and reopen causing distress. Some inquests...