Report on the murders of Dorothy Maguire and Maura Meehan

Please find this comprehensive report compiled by Relatives for Justice and the families of Maura Meehan and Dorothy Maguire dorothy-maguire-maura-meehan-may-2016

OTR Report should Inform Process on Past – Not Delay It

Relatives for Justice Director Mark Thompson has issued the following statement following news of delay on talks to deal with the past: "Today’s announcement that...

#Time4Truth Video Launched

Tonight the #Time4Truth Video was Launched, view it below:


Today is UN International Day for the Right to Truth and to coincide with this Relatives for Justice will this evening launch a short...

Speech by Monsignor Raymond Murray on the 25th anniversary of the...

PAT FINUCANE What's in a name? In time it absorbs the whole character and nature of the person. The name Pat Finucane reverberates in our...

Collusion Report 1990 -1994

In 1995 Relatives for Justice produced a groundbreaking document which documented the victims of collusion following the shipment of weapons to loyalism under the...

BBC broadcast RFJ discovery of secret documents which prove state impunity

A link to tonights BBC Newsline where the RFJ discovery of MoD secret documents proves state policy of impunity for state killings

State Impunity Was Official Policy

Relatives for Justice Press Release – Monday June 18th 2012 Unearthed official British government document from July 1972 shows evidence of impunity for killings carried...