Collusion Requires Accountability Not Cover Up

In relation to the decision by the Court of Appeal today in the case of John Flynn, Relatives for Justice (RFJ) Senior Advocacy Director...

Presenting British soldiers being asked questions about killings as victims is...

In response to today’s question from backbench Tory MP’s about a possible statute of limitation on killings by the British army and Theresa May’s...

Pat Finucane Inquiry still “Unfinished business” after Appeal Court dismisses family’s...

By Senior Advocacy Director Mike Ritchie Lord Justice Gillen – sitting along with Mr Justice Deeny and Mr Justice Horner – today dismissed an appeal...

25th Anniversary of Clonoe Assassinations by SAS

By Senior Advocacy Director Mike Ritchie Peter Clancy, Kevin Barry O’Donnell, Sean O’Farrell and Patrick Vincent were summarily executed by the notorious secret killers of...

Brokenshire Peddling “alternative facts” On The Past

By RFJ Director Mark Thompson Since taking up office James Brokenshire and the NIO have deliberately fostered an environment in which the victims of British...

Time To Deal With The Past Conference

Relatives for Justice is hosting a conference on Saturday 25th February at 10am in the Balmoral Hotel Belfast. This conference will bring together victims and survivors...

European Court demands Britain deal with the past and deliver to...

Please see the key points as raised by the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe who are still scrutinising the UK for...

Pat Finucane: The Campaign for an Independent Public Inquiry

Mark Thompson has written a document as an update on the campaign for an independent public inquiry into the murder of human rights solicitor...

Irish Government raises Britain’s failings on Pat Finucane, inquests and SHA...

Today's submission by the Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan to the European Court of Human Rights' Committee of Ministers makes for interesting...

McGurk’s Bar Bombing Families’ Presentation

RFJ were delighted to support last night's McGurk's Bar Bombing lecture on the 45th anniversary of the atrocity. Robert McClenaghan made a presentation on...