Ballymurphy Inquest Day 3

Ballymurphy Inquest Day 3 By Andrée Murphy What strikes you on the Fourth Floor of Laganside Courts is the way ten working class families who have...

Mark Thompson CEO Remarks to US House Foreign Relations Committee

In July 2022 Mark Thompson, RFJ CEO delivered to a briefing of the US Foreign Relations Committee on the British Government's legacy legislation. A synopsis...

Final Day of Legacy Act Challenge:

The seventh hearing day of the judicial review against the Legacy Act started with the final oral submissions of barrister Tony McGleenan KC acting...

Funding for Legacy Inquests – a good day in the courts...

Families of the nine men killed by the SAS at Loughgall attended at court yesterday to hear the decision of Sir Paul Girvan in...

Brokenshire Peddling “alternative facts” On The Past

By RFJ Director Mark Thompson Since taking up office James Brokenshire and the NIO have deliberately fostered an environment in which the victims of British...

Gavin McShane’s family meet Irish Government Officials

By Mark Thompson, RFJ CEO This morning the family of Gavin McShane, murdered by the UVF on May 18, 1994, met with Irish government officials...

Relatives for Justice submission to the Committee of Ministers at the...

The following is the Relatives for Justice submission to the Committee of Ministers to the Council of Europe regarding the ongoing failure by the...

RFJ Submission to the Consultation on Dealing with the Past

This morning Relatives for Justice launched its submission to the consultation on dealing with the past. The event began with...

Easter Flower Arrangement

Just like last week we are putting up a Remote Flower Arranging Class from our lovely Flower Arranging Tutor Caroline D'Eath Just follow the step...

Springhill inquest Wednesday 8th November 2023

The Springhill inquest today heard from two civilian witnesses Joanna McCullagh and Bernadette Callaghan, who were young teenagers at the time. Before the civilian...