RFJ respond to British Secretary of State US visit

The following is a statement issued by RFJ CEO Mark Thompson on the announcement by British Secretary of State James Brokenshire that he is...

15th anniversary of the murder of Gerard Lawlor

RFJ would like to support and endorse the following statement from Naomh Éanna CLG "I ndíl gcuimhne ár gcara Gerard Lawlor. Ní dhéanfaidh Gaedhil dearmad ort...

Challenge to overturn verdict in Jordan inquest

By RFJ Caseworker Paul Butler In the High Court on Thursday 22nd June, the Jordan family applied for leave to have a judicial review to...

Relatives for Justice response to the DUP/Tory Money Pact

The following is the full statement made to the Irish News as carried yesterday in their paper following the publication of the DUP/Tory agreement. On...

New Activities in Relatives for Justice

Relatives for Justice Social Support   Members are always keen to come along to our trips and classes. If any of these interests you please get...

New Lodge 6 Families Apply for New Inquest

The families of six men killed by British soldiers in the New Lodge, Belfast on the night of 3rd/4th February 1973 have applied, with...

NIAdvisory Committee disregard Collusion concerns

Speaking today in response to the debate on the Nolan Show Mark Thompson RFJ CEO has said: "The NIAC has consistently ignored attempts by RFJ...

Belfast and Derry Remember Mullivaikal

'Why do the army drive those jeeps Uppa?' A young Tamil asked his father in the 1980s. 'They got them from Northern Ireland', his...

NGOs and Academics Proposals re National Security Obstacles on Dealing With...

In the spring of 2016 Relatives for Justice, the Committee on the Administration of Justice, the Pat Finucane Centre and Queens University academics Prof...

RFJ joins with partners to try to break national security logjam

On the morning of the 4th April 2017, a document was publicly launched in the Law School at Queens University, Belfast which proposed a...