New Year New Classes and Activities in RFJ!

Relatives for Justice Social Support   Relatives for Justice are delighted to launch our new planned activities for the new year. As you will see there...

US Help for Families Is Needed

Victims' Relatives Need American Help Now to Break British Embargo on Justice Relatives for Justice wish to thank the Irish Echo for publishing this article...

McCord letter captures frustrations of conflict bereaved families

Relatives for Justice is pleased to share points raised by Raymond McCord Snr. concerning the UVF killing of his son Raymond Jnr. in a...

Collusion yes; Impunity yes; Justice No

By Mary McCallan, RFJ Caseworker This week RFJ spent two days at court with the families of those affected by the collusive actions of Gary...

Mass to remember Tess and Charlie Fox 25th anniversary

Last night, Relatives for Justice staff were privileged to attend the 25th anniversary mass to remember Charlie and Tess Fox, killed in the Moy...

Relatives for Justice statement in response to queries from Newsletter

In response to questions asked of us by the Belfast Newsletter's Philip Bradfield Relatives for Justice issues the following statement Philip A Chara, “Relatives For Justice...

Exciting new programme of classes and events in RFJ this Autumn

We are happy to announce a new programme of events in RFJ this autumn We have organised activities in West and North Belfast, Dungannon and...

RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017

RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017 The above is a link to the RFJ submission to the Committee of Ministers (CoM) made in...

State impunity was British policy

The BBC coverage relating to the disclosure of top secret British army memos proving that impunity was British state policy can be viewed here State...

Drew Harris must resign in light of Glenanne Judgment

By Mike Ritchie, Senior Advocacy Director This morning the Belfast High Court delivered a devastating judgment in support of families affected by the state collusion....