Ballymurphy Massacre – Inquest Opens

Today had been listed for many months as the opening of the new inquest into the Ballymurphy Massacre, when 11 people were killed by...

Families appeal to those harmed to make submissions to the consultation...

Please see this appeal from the families of Patrick Heenan, Stan Carberry, Kevin Barry O'Donnell, Larry Marley and Patrick Falls calling on other families...

Consultation on Dealing with the Past

The deadline for submissions to the Consultation in Dealing With The Past is fast approaching. Relatives for Justice are encouraging all families to consider making...

Patrick Rooney’s mother responds to questioning of RUC officer in relation...

Speaking through Relatives for Justice in response to some media reports that a former RUC officer was questioned about the fatal shooting of Patrick...

Concerns re future of Police Ombudsman Office

The tenure of the current Police Ombudsman, Dr. Michael Maguire, ends in July 2019. The appointment of a new Police Ombudsman is the sole responsibility...

DPP did not act in interests of families affected by legacy...

The former Director for Public Prosecutions was heavily criticised in a High Court judgment for failing to prosecute British soldier yesterday. Speaking this morning CEO...

Consultation on Dealing with the Past Launched: Initial thoughts

Initial response to publication of consultation on legislation to address the past We welcome the long overdue publication of this legislation that will hopefully give...

Theresa Clinton Memorial Plaque

Last night in a poignant and emotional tribute, the Lower Ormeau community unveiled a plaque dedicated to Theresa Clinton, murdered in 1994. The proceedings began...

US Congress members raise concerns on Legacy with British Government

Tonight the British Government representative in Washington has received a letter from Congressmen from both sides of the House expressing concern at the British...

Association of the Bar of the City of New York issues...

The Association of the Bar of the City of New York has released the following statement to the British Prime Minister Theresa May and...