Loughinisland Verdict, Families’ Vindication

By Mike Ritchie Finally, finally! The families of those killed and injured in the Heights Bar have official vindication of the fact that RUC collusion facilitated...

Launch of Relatives for Justice Family Report into the killings of...

Press Statement Relatives for Justice (RFJ) in conjunction with the families of Patrick Mulvenna and Jim Bryson, who were shot and killed by the British...

Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest – the last day of Family Testimony

By Andrée Murphy “The hardest thing I have ever had to do.” “That’s it, we all did them justice.” “Every one of us became children again.” “It was...

Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest Day 4

Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest Day 4 By Andrée Murphy Justice Keegan began the day by addressing issues from the previous day. Alan Barry runs a campaign Justice...

Ballymurphy Inquest Day 3

Ballymurphy Inquest Day 3 By Andrée Murphy What strikes you on the Fourth Floor of Laganside Courts is the way ten working class families who have...

Ballymurphy Inquest Day 2

By Andrée Murphy Court 12 Laganside. History began to be rewritten today at the Ballymurphy inquest as the first two of the ten families gave...

Evidence to Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty

The following evidence was given to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty Philip Alston by our Welfare and Advice Coordinator Aine Malone...

Caseys Bottling Plant Killings Remembered

Today Relatives for Justice were honoured to be a part of the commemoration of those killed in Casey's Bottling Plant in October 1975.   The...

Hain Nonsense

By Mark Thompson Is the rule of law and justice really up for sale? Well the answer is yes when it comes to Peter Hain...

RFJ Submission to the Consultation on Dealing with the Past

This morning Relatives for Justice launched its submission to the consultation on dealing with the past. The event began with...