Relatives for Justice Submission to Committee of Ministers March 2019

Please find a copy of Relatives for Justice submission to the Committee of Ministers at the Council of Europe here CoM CoE Submission March...

Victims of State Violence To Meet Karen Bradley

07/03/2019 Families bereaved by the state and through collusion to meet Karen Bradley A delegation of bereaved families, accompanied by the Pat Finucane Centre and Relatives...

Relatives for Justice responds to statement by Police Ombudsman re PSNI...

Thursday, February 14th 2019 Significant Intelligence not made available by PSNI to Police Ombudsman investigations in 30 UDA murders in which scores of people were also...

Unsatisfactory verdict in the Roseanne Mallon inquest

Blog by Mike Ritchie More than three and a half years – yes, three and a half years! – after the conclusion of all the...

Mallon Inquest Verdict Fails Family and Society

By RFJ CEO Mark Thompson Three years after the inquest into the loyalist murder of Tyrone pensioner Roseanne Mallon concluded Justice Weir, sitting as coroner...

RFJ Submission to Irish 3rd Action Plan on Women Peace and...

Relatives for Justice has made a submission to the Irish Government's consultation on Women, Peace and Security UNSCR1325. This was an opportunity to highlight...

Family Report into the killings of Jim Bryson and Patrick Mulvenna

Last night the families of Jim Bryson and Patrick Mulvenna launched a report compiled with Relatives for Justice into the killings of their loved...