RUC/PSNI conspiracy of silence in killing of John Hemsworth

EMBARGOED: 00.00 Thursday 24TH November 2016 Truth established by Police Ombudsman’s findings but conspiracy of silence by former RUC and serving PSNI officers maintains final...

RFJ Response to Payment for the Injured Regulations – Pernicious and...

Relatives for Justice has seen the British Government’s regulations for payments to the injured of the conflict. These proposals raise significant and very serious concerns. Our...

Patrick Rooney’s mother responds to questioning of RUC officer in relation...

Speaking through Relatives for Justice in response to some media reports that a former RUC officer was questioned about the fatal shooting of Patrick...

RFJ joins with partners to try to break national security logjam

On the morning of the 4th April 2017, a document was publicly launched in the Law School at Queens University, Belfast which proposed a...

Unsatisfactory verdict in the Roseanne Mallon inquest

Blog by Mike Ritchie More than three and a half years – yes, three and a half years! – after the conclusion of all the...

Families vindicated as systemic collusion in murders confirmed

Speaking after a series of briefings by the Police Ombudsman, Marie Anderson, into 19 murders and two attempted murders in the south Derry and...

Collusion Report 1990 -1994

In 1995 Relatives for Justice produced a groundbreaking document which documented the victims of collusion following the shipment of weapons to loyalism under the...

Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey finally leaves the building

A final hearing in the judicial review - by the former RUC member Hawthorne, the former head of RUC Special Branch Raymond White and...

State impunity was British policy

The BBC coverage relating to the disclosure of top secret British army memos proving that impunity was British state policy can be viewed here State...

Final weeks of evidence in Francis Bradley inquest 

The inquest into the death of Francis Bradley continues this week. Mr Bradley was 20 years old when he was shot and killed by...