Family of Jervis Lynch Never Giving Up!

The family of Jervis Lynch murdered by Mid-Ulster UVF 1991 have released the following statement through Relatives for Justice in response to proposed amnesty...

Fury at single worst day for all victims during our peace...

Mark Thompson RFJ CEO Relatives for Justice wishes to express its anger at the vindictive proposals from the British House of Commons today. This marks the...

RFJ responds to NIO Legacy statement

Responding to this evening’s statement from Brandon Lewis setting out an 8-paragraph way forward on legacy Relatives for Justice CEO Mark Thompson has issued...

Supreme Court considers PSNI’s lack of independence to investigate legacy killings.

by Paul Butler RFJ Caseworker Is the PSNI independent enough to investigate the past? That is the question seven justices of the UK Supreme Court have been...

Ballymurphy Inquest Findings Reset the Moral Compass of the Debate on...

Mrs Justice Siobhan Keegan has now delivered her findings in respect of the deaths of ten people in Ballymurphy from 9 to 11 August...

Ballymurphy families vindicated

Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest Key Findings: There was no justification for any of the killings The use of force was disproportionate All of those killed...

RFJ responds to Police Ombudsman report on 1969 RUC killings

Statement issued by Relatives For Justice on the occasion of the Police Ombudsman’s public statement on RUC killings in August 1969. Casework Director Mike Ritchie...

Michael Lynch’s family respond to Police Ombudsman Report on RUC killing

Statement issued by Relatives For Justice on behalf of the family of Michael Lynch in response to the Police Ombudsman’s public statement on his...

Are British soldiers above the law for murdering Irish citizens?

Today Boris Johnston told the British parliament final preparations were being made to a draft bill that would in effect provide protection from prosecution...

Concerns outstanding on Payment Scheme for Permanently Disabled of the conflict

Relatives for Justice welcomes the announcement that funding will be available for the payments scheme for the permanently disabled of the conlfict. This scheme...