Francis Bradley inquest: Delay tactics continue as inquest deadline looms

The inquest continues into the death of 20-year-old Francis Bradley, who was killed in 1986 by the British Army in a shoot-to-kill operation. Former...

Presenting British soldiers being asked questions about killings as victims is...

In response to today’s question from backbench Tory MP’s about a possible statute of limitation on killings by the British army and Theresa May’s...

Tenders sought for Mindfulness and Deep Relaxation Facilitators

RFJ seek suitably qualified persons to tender for the delivery of ‘mindfulness’ and ‘rest and relaxation’ workshops and activities for members bereaved, injured and...

CLONOE INQUEST: 32 years on, we cannot wait any longer*

CLONOE INQUEST NOTES Summary of 2023 November-December hearings + case management updates The inquest into the killings of Kevin Barry O’Donnell, Peter Clancy, Patrick Vincent and...

Ballymurphy Massacre Inquest – the last day of Family Testimony

By Andrée Murphy “The hardest thing I have ever had to do.” “That’s it, we all did them justice.” “Every one of us became children again.” “It was...

Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Dealing with the Past Welcomed

Tonight Relatives for Justice wish to welcome and endorse the statement by Catholic Bishops on dealing with the past. It is a comprehensive statement...

Mallon Inquest Verdict Fails Family and Society

By RFJ CEO Mark Thompson Three years after the inquest into the loyalist murder of Tyrone pensioner Roseanne Mallon concluded Justice Weir, sitting as coroner...

Springhill Inquest: Paddy Butler’s son gives harrowing testimony

The son of Paddy Butler one of the victims of the Springhill massacre took the stand at today’s hearing of the Springhill inquest. Patrick...

Concern at use of Plastic Bullets – They must be Banned

Statement by Mark Thompson CEO "We note with concern the use of plastic bullets this week on the Shankill Road Belfast "Plastic bullets have no role...

Francis Bradley Inquest: Soldier A states RUC falsified statement

The inquest into the death of Francis Bradley continues in Coleraine. Yesterday, the 14th of March, the coroner heard evidence from Soldier A, a...