Legacy Bill of Shame Beyond Redemption

By Mark Thompson, CEO The UK Legacy Bill – The NI Troubles (Legacy & Reconciliation) Bill will have its second reading in the House of...

Europe Ministers highly critical of UK legacy proposals

As part of our continued engagement with international human rights bodies, RFJ submitted a report to the Committee of Ministers – the decision-making body...

Springhill inquest: Ambulance workers harassed while bringing Fr Fitzpatrick’s body...

Today the Springhill inquest heard evidence from two people who worked as volunteers for the Order of Malta ambulance service. They were based in...

Tenders sought for Mindfulness and Deep Relaxation Facilitators

RFJ seek suitably qualified persons to tender for the delivery of ‘mindfulness’ and ‘rest and relaxation’ workshops and activities for members bereaved, injured and...

Springhill inquest: Military witness treats inquest with contempt

The Springhill inquest ended this week after hearing evidence for the last three weeks from 16 military witnesses. One of those former soldiers displayed...

Samuel Marshall Inquest daily summaries

Day 1: 20/3/23 The inquest into the death of Samuel ‘Sam’ Marshall began today, 20 March 2023. The inquest begins more than 32 years after...

BBC broadcast RFJ discovery of secret documents which prove state impunity

A link to tonights BBC Newsline where the RFJ discovery of MoD secret documents proves state policy of impunity for state killings http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-18498301#?utm_term=BBC&utm_content=Newsline&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Brokenshire Peddling “alternative facts” On The Past

By RFJ Director Mark Thompson Since taking up office James Brokenshire and the NIO have deliberately fostered an environment in which the victims of British...

RFJ Responds to Inquest Funding Judicial Review Judgment

Please find full statement by Justice Girvan today regarding failures to fund Legacy Inquests. The Executive Office, the Dept of Justice and the Secretary...

RFJ respond to British Secretary of State US visit

The following is a statement issued by RFJ CEO Mark Thompson on the announcement by British Secretary of State James Brokenshire that he is...