Collusion in Cappagh Killings

The full Relatives for Justice report into the Cappagh Killings can be found by clicking here Collusion in Cappagh Report  

Family of 16yr old victim of British army bring HET to...

Statement by the family of 16 year-old Gerard Gibson who was killed by the British army on July 11th 1972 concerning application to the...

Realtives for Justice latest Submission to the ECtHR Committee of Ministers

Our submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has now been posted on the website. There is no NIO response...

Stan Carberry responds to SoS moves on past today

We have great pleasure to host the thoughts of Stan Carberry jnr tonight as part of RFJ's response to James Brokenshire's moves to pull...


The inquest into the death of Hugh Gerard Coney continue in Newry Courthouse this week, with the evidence of former military personnel and a...

Francis Bradley Inquest Resumes

The inquest into the death of Francis Bradley resumed in Coleraine Courthouse on Monday, 5th of February, with what the barrister for the next-of-kin...

RUC/PSNI conspiracy of silence in killing of John Hemsworth

EMBARGOED: 00.00 Thursday 24TH November 2016 Truth established by Police Ombudsman’s findings but conspiracy of silence by former RUC and serving PSNI officers maintains final...

Statement from the family of Danny Cassidy following PONI report

“The family of Danny Cassidy wish to thank the Police Ombudsman for the briefing they received yesterday on her investigation into the RUC in...

RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017

RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017 The above is a link to the RFJ submission to the Committee of Ministers (CoM) made in...

Inquest review hearing into the murder of Seamus Dillon

Seamus Dillon was murdered by loyalist terror group the LVF in an attack on the Glengannon Hotel, Dungannon, County Tyrone in December 1997. Mr Dillon,...