Ballymurphy Pre-Inquest Hearing: Long Fingers being shortened?

Update on the Ballymurphy Massacre Inquests by Caseworker Mary McCallan RFJ attended this morning with the families from the Ballymurphy Massacre for a preliminary hearing in...

Loughinisland – Drama heaped on Families’ Trauma

By Mike Ritchie Police Ombudsman and Loughinisland families ask Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey to recuse himself from the judicial review by former head of RUC...

Relatives for Justice responds to CJI findings on failure of PSNI...

PSNI culture defends RUC Special Branch RFJ CEO Mark Thompson said: "The PSNI has treated the office of the Police Ombudsman with utter contempt when it comes...

RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017

RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017 The above is a link to the RFJ submission to the Committee of Ministers (CoM) made in...

Challenge to overturn verdict in Jordan inquest

By RFJ Caseworker Paul Butler In the High Court on Thursday 22nd June, the Jordan family applied for leave to have a judicial review to...

New Lodge 6 Families Apply for New Inquest

The families of six men killed by British soldiers in the New Lodge, Belfast on the night of 3rd/4th February 1973 have applied, with...

Belfast High Court defends Coroners from PSNI and Sec of State...

PSNI CC & Secretary of State Challenge to Prevent Coroner from providing Gist of Intelligence File in Paul “Topper” Thompson Inquest Dismissed on all...

Appeal for information on 1987 killing of Thomas Power

Relatives for Justice (RfJ) has been working with the family of Thomas “Ta” Power to try and find out what happened in the lead...

Collusion Requires Accountability Not Cover Up

In relation to the decision by the Court of Appeal today in the case of John Flynn, Relatives for Justice (RFJ) Senior Advocacy Director...

Discovery – the new word for cover-up

By Senior Advocacy Director Mike Ritchie In the appeal court yesterday, the PSNI once again rehearsed their claim that managing documentation is too great a...