RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017

RFJ Submission to ECtHR Cttee of Ministers 2017 The above is a link to the RFJ submission to the Committee of Ministers (CoM) made in...

Challenge to overturn verdict in Jordan inquest

By RFJ Caseworker Paul Butler In the High Court on Thursday 22nd June, the Jordan family applied for leave to have a judicial review to...

New Lodge 6 Families Apply for New Inquest

The families of six men killed by British soldiers in the New Lodge, Belfast on the night of 3rd/4th February 1973 have applied, with...

Collusion Requires Accountability Not Cover Up

In relation to the decision by the Court of Appeal today in the case of John Flynn, Relatives for Justice (RFJ) Senior Advocacy Director...

McGurk’s Bar Bombing Families’ Presentation

RFJ were delighted to support last night's McGurk's Bar Bombing lecture on the 45th anniversary of the atrocity. Robert McClenaghan made a presentation on...

RUC/PSNI conspiracy of silence in killing of John Hemsworth

EMBARGOED: 00.00 Thursday 24TH November 2016 Truth established by Police Ombudsman’s findings but conspiracy of silence by former RUC and serving PSNI officers maintains final...

Ambush, Assassination and Impunity

The full report on the killings of four young men in Clonoe in 1992 can be accessed here clonoe-report-lres

Relatives for Justice statement at the conclusion of the Pearse Jordan...

RFJ Statement in today's verdict in the inquest of Pearse Jordan RfJ pays tribute to the parents of Pearse Jordan as judgefails to endorse police...

Report on the murders of Dorothy Maguire and Maura Meehan

Please find this comprehensive report compiled by Relatives for Justice and the families of Maura Meehan and Dorothy Maguire dorothy-maguire-maura-meehan-may-2016