Springhill Inquest Monday 6th March 2023

At the opening of the inquest it was stated that all of the counsels represented at the inquest agreed that a general warning should...

Springhill Inquest Wednesday 1st March

The inquest heard evidence from Thomas Reid and Martin Pettigrew. They are first civilian witness to give evidence to the inquest. Thomas Reid, who...

Springhill Inquest Day 3

22nd February 2023 The third day of the Springhill inquest concerned Rule 17 submissions. Statements and depositions were read into the proceedings. These were mostly...

Springhill Inquest Tuesday 21st February 2023

By Paul Butler The second day of the Springhill inquest was taken up mostly with counsel for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) outlining the legal...

Springhill inquest gets underway 50 years after they were killed by...

The inquest into the deaths of five people killed by the British Army in the Springhill/ Westrock area opened Monday 20th February. High Court...

Carberry civil case draws to a close

By Advocacy Casework Manager Mike Ritchie An important milestone was reached in a long-running civil case against the British Ministry of Defence in the High...

Forgetfulness of wrong: a tale of international battles for human rights

Blog by RFJ Caseworker Irati Oleaga Relatives For Justice (RFJ) is a human rights-based NGO offering holistic support services to victims and survivors of the...

Dessie Healey, 14 yrs, Family Report Launch

Today marks the 51st anniversary of the murder of Desmond ‘Dessie’ Healey. He was only 14 years old, a schoolboy, when he was killed...

Latest developments in Stan Carberry civil case

A further short hearing took place this morning in the civil case brought by Stan Carberry against the British Ministry of Defence (MoD). The case...

Statement from the family of Danny Cassidy following PONI report

“The family of Danny Cassidy wish to thank the Police Ombudsman for the briefing they received yesterday on her investigation into the RUC in...