Report on the murders of Dorothy Maguire and Maura Meehan

Please find this comprehensive report compiled by Relatives for Justice and the families of Maura Meehan and Dorothy Maguire dorothy-maguire-maura-meehan-may-2016

Springhill inquest: British soldiers and MoD continue to obfuscate

After forty-seven days and four weeks of hearing evidence from twenty-two military witnesses, the Springhill inquest still does not know the identities of the...

Springhill inquest Wednesday 8th March 2023

Mary Smith was the first civilian witness to take the stand today.  Known as Mary Moore in 1972 she lived in Westrock Drive and...

Paul Thompson Inquest: PSNI/Secretary of State Challenge Coroner Over Intelligence File

On Friday morning the Belfast High Court witnessed an unusual, if not unprecedented, number of lawyers stream into the huge ornate marble corridor before...

Stan Carberry responds to SoS moves on past today

We have great pleasure to host the thoughts of Stan Carberry jnr tonight as part of RFJ's response to James Brokenshire's moves to pull...

Legal Challenge into Tyrone Collusion murders “Should Not be Delayed”

Joint statement released by KRW Law, Relatives for Justice and the family of Theresa and Charles Fox. On September 6th 1992 the Mid-Ulster UVF murdered...

RFJ submission to European Court Committee of Ministers October 2015

Rule 9 submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Execution of Judgments of European Court of Human Rights in McKerr, Hemsworth, McCaughey, Grew,...

Realtives for Justice latest Submission to the ECtHR Committee of Ministers

Our submission to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has now been posted on the website. There is no NIO response...

Gerard Lawlor case raises significant questions

The killing of Gerard Lawlor 10 years ago raises questions about agents, collusion, PSNI investigations, and accountability. Today's press conference held by the parents...