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Gerard Meehan adds his voice to developments on the Past

We are happy to share the thoughts of Gerard Meehan son of Maura Meehan who was killed with her sister Dorothy Maguire by the...

Pearse Jordan Inquest developments

Thursday 10th March 2016   The day begins …   Expert pathologist Dr Cary – engaged by the Jordan family – was supposed to be on the stand....

Justice and Rule of Law? Hypocrisy more like

by Mark Thompson Justice and the rule of law have been undermined in respect to the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) decision not to prosecute anyone...

Belfast High Court: Legacy Act breaches Victims Rights

Speaking in response to the vindication of families challenging the British Government's Legacy Act, CEO Mark Thompson said: During four decades of conflict the UK...

CAJ report on PONI Link to Tonight's UTV Live Report on CAJ Report on PONI - more on this later

Francis Bradley Inquest enters final days

The inquest into the death of Francis Bradley resumed this week for the final days of evidence. Although this week was intended to hear...

Springhill inquest: Military witness treats inquest with contempt

The Springhill inquest ended this week after hearing evidence for the last three weeks from 16 military witnesses. One of those former soldiers displayed...

RUC pathetic excuses facilitate continuing impunity – PPS must act

By RFJ Director Mark Thompson In 2003 Relatives for Justice (RFJ) learned that the RUC destroyed thousands of documents, interview notes, and statements stored at...

British army murder teenager Leo Norney: “A Deliberate Act”

Leo Norney was only 17 years old when he was shot dead by British soldiers on the 13th September 1975. The British Army falsely...

Paul Thompson Inquest to resume on 26th February

The inquest into the death of Paul 'Topper' Thompson had a brief case management hearing last week to prepare for the Public Interest Immunity...