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Drew Harris must resign in light of Glenanne Judgment

By Mike Ritchie, Senior Advocacy Director This morning the Belfast High Court delivered a devastating judgment in support of families affected by the state collusion....

Pat Finucane Inquiry still “Unfinished business” after Appeal Court dismisses family’s...

By Senior Advocacy Director Mike Ritchie Lord Justice Gillen – sitting along with Mr Justice Deeny and Mr Justice Horner – today dismissed an appeal...

25th Anniversary of Clonoe Assassinations by SAS

By Senior Advocacy Director Mike Ritchie Peter Clancy, Kevin Barry O’Donnell, Sean O’Farrell and Patrick Vincent were summarily executed by the notorious secret killers of...

Brokenshire Peddling “alternative facts” On The Past

By RFJ Director Mark Thompson Since taking up office James Brokenshire and the NIO have deliberately fostered an environment in which the victims of British...

Supergrass Haggarty appears in Court

The final stages in a long saga occurred last Monday morning as loyalist leader Gary Haggarty finally pleaded guilty. Justice might now emerge as...

RUC pathetic excuses facilitate continuing impunity – PPS must act

By RFJ Director Mark Thompson In 2003 Relatives for Justice (RFJ) learned that the RUC destroyed thousands of documents, interview notes, and statements stored at...