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Latest News and Events from Relatives For Justice

Time for International Examination of Pattern of British State Abuses

  Today lawyers, representing a significant number of Iraqi citizens, are in the High Court in London seeking an order for a public inquiry into...

Springhill inquest: British soldiers and MoD continue to obfuscate

After forty-seven days and four weeks of hearing evidence from twenty-two military witnesses, the Springhill inquest still does not know the identities of the...

National Security veto and Dealing with the Past

Mark Thompson Blogs on national security and talks and the rights of families to truth and justice national-security-and-dealing-with-the-past

It’s the Collusion question in Mallon Inquest

Tonight's blog is written by RFJ's Mike Ritchie The activities of RUC Special Branch, its weapons intelligence unit and collusion with loyalists continues to overshadow...

RFJ welcomes prestigious visitors from US

Pat and Liam Quinn, the brothers of Frank Quinn killed in Ballymurphy Massacre, Seamus Finucane the brother of murdered human right lawyer Pat Finucane,...


With the evidence completed this week, the Clonoe inquest reaches the final stage before the guillotine date of the Legacy Act of Shame shuts...

CAJ report on PONI Link to Tonight's UTV Live Report on CAJ Report on PONI - more on this later

Same old PSNI/RUC Roadblocks to Truth

This morning saw the beginning of back to back hearings in all 56 legacy inquests, involving 97 killings, to establish just how far they...

Paul Thompson Inquest: PSNI/Secretary of State Challenge Coroner Over Intelligence File

On Friday morning the Belfast High Court witnessed an unusual, if not unprecedented, number of lawyers stream into the huge ornate marble corridor before...

Immunity, Impunity and the Challenges we face

Mark Thompson is pleased to be writing on the Compromise After Conflict blog about the issues and contradictions faced by families in courts and...