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Same old PSNI/RUC Roadblocks to Truth

This morning saw the beginning of back to back hearings in all 56 legacy inquests, involving 97 killings, to establish just how far they...

Blog on Fresh Start Agreement Failure to Deal with the Past

Blog by Mark Thompson on the failure yet again to deal with the past blog-re-fresh-start-failure-to-deal-with-the-past

National Security veto and Dealing with the Past

Mark Thompson Blogs on national security and talks and the rights of families to truth and justice national-security-and-dealing-with-the-past

Truth – Stranger than Fiction?

On August 2nd loyalist blogger Jamie Bryson, writing about NAMA and those he alleges are connected to the scandal, mentions former RUC Special Branch...

Chief Constable’s Chaos is madness of his own making

By Mark Thompson ‘Chaotic’ is how the PSNI Chief Constable described the current state of the inquest system at a Policing Board meeting today.   There are...

Finucane truth not much advanced

By Mike Ritchie In an 86 page judgement, Judge Ben Stephens today rejected Geraldine Finucane’s challenge to David Cameron’s refusal of a public inquiry into...

No doubts now – Collusion was British government approved

By Mark Thompson, Director When the review into the murder of human rights lawyer Pat Finucane by Sir Desmond de Silva was published Relatives for...

“A compassionate and inclusive future that leaves no-one behind ”

By Mark Thompson I listened to Nigel Dodds speaking on the BBC about ‘perpetrators’ and of how his party, the DUP, is seeking to change...

Pat Finucane’s murder – “As Bad as it Gets”

Blog by Casework Manager Mike Ritchie According to David Cameron, Pat Finucane’s murder is “as bad as it gets”. His advisor called it “a horror...

Glenanne Murders, Collusion and the Right to Truth all in one...

Blog by Caseworker Paul Butler Hillcrest Bar   Relatives for Justice (RfJ) were in the High Court, Belfast on the 7th May 2015 for the start of...