Tenders sought for Mindfulness and Deep Relaxation Facilitators

RFJ seek suitably qualified persons to tender for the delivery of ‘mindfulness’ and ‘rest and relaxation’ workshops and activities for members bereaved, injured and caring for injured as a result of conflict harms.

Terms of Reference – ‘Mindfulness/Deep rest & relaxation Facilitators’ 



This project will provide safe in person and online activities and workshops with qualified, trained facilitators supporting Relatives for Justice members impacted by trauma. It will take a trauma-informed approach to mindfulness and deep rest & relaxation.

Mindfulness activities and workshops will be expected to include themes such as mindful exercises, mindful breathing,  promoting self-regulation techniques, self-awareness, creativity and assisting with the symptoms of trauma.

Rest and relaxation activities will allow members to feel safe, provide them with protected rest time and explore the common barriers to allowing for rest.  It will incorporate trauma-informed techniques in both in person and online settings.


Workshops will be delivered online, in RFJ offices and outdoor spaces.  Flexibility will be required in relation to delivery as these will take place at weekends and evenings also.

It is anticipated this programme will run between April 2024 and March 2026.



These workshops will focus on members who have been bereaved or injured as a result of the conflict.



Due to the sensitivity surrounding the work carried out within Relatives for Justice, complete confidentiality and a non-judgmental approach should be taken at all times.


Tender Requirements 

To tender please provide:

(a) A copy of your most updated CV

(b) A cover letter which:

  1. addresses all of the award criteria outlined below
  1. Provide a suggested plan outlining your ideas on carrying out the workshops

  1. State whether you wish to be considered for either the Mindfulness facilitator, deep rest facilitator or both

  1. days and times applicants are available to deliver services
  1. states hourly rate*
  1. the name, address, contact number and email address of two referees who may be contacted for references in connection with the proposed contract.

*There is no allowance for travel, preparation or materials so please ensure these costs are covered in the tender process. 


The tender format is as follows: 

Copies of tender proposals should be forwarded, by email with “Tender for Mindfulness/Deep Rest Tutor” in the subject line to:  marykate@relativesforjustice.com

Any tender applications not including all information above will be discounted as incomplete and will not move to scoring.

All tenders must be received no later than 12.00 pm on Friday, 24th May 2024.  No late tenders will be accepted.  Where appropriate, interviews will be held as soon as possible after this date via Zoom.

Relatives for Justice will use the information supplied to score all tender applications.  Please take note of the scoring criteria below as this will be used to total scores.

Relatives for Justice operates in line with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. This means we will treat the information you provide to us with strict confidentiality. At times we may need to share some of your information with other staff, funders and other stakeholders.


Award Criteria and assessment/scoring:

The following formula will be used to evaluate price/cost:

  1. Lowest price tendered will be awarded the maximum score available (50)
  1. To calculate the score for the remaining tendered price/s, the following formula will be applied.  The lowest tendered price divided by the tenderers price (to the nearest £1) multiplied by 50

The Contract will be awarded based on the most economically advantageous proposal.  To ensure consistency and equity the evaluation panel will assign scores for quality of response to the qualitative using the scores and indicators below:

  • Knowledge of working with trauma and with victims and survivors of conflict: 25
  • Relevant skills, expertise and qualifications of facilitating mindfulness and rest and relaxation workshops and activities: 10
  • Flexible approach to working hours and days: 5
  • Cost and value for money: 50
  • Detailed workplan meeting the objectives of the project: 10