US Congressional Representatives sign letter calling on UK government to halt its legacy bill.

Relatives for Justice CEO, Mark Thompson, has welcomed the bi-partisan Congressional intervention adding: “There has rightly been consistent criticism of this shameful bill by US Congressional representatives and the international community. This latest bi-partisan Congressional letter is most welcome for families and we thank all those representatives involved. The reality to date is that when it comes to this shameful bill the British government has ignored everyone regardless. They are deliberately tone deaf to law, rights and justice; as they substitute these basic functions of democracy for indemnity, amnesty and impunity to cover from exposure their illegal actions during the conflict. This is unacceptable as outlined yet again in this Congressional letter to the British government.
We would also call for the immediate and direct involvement of the Biden Administration in seeking to halt this act of political vandalism to law, rights, justice, and the Good Friday Agreement.
“The Irish government has stated that they have not ruled out taking an interstate case against the UK should this bill become law.
“In such a scenario that will be the only proper course of action.” ENDS

The letter can be viewed here Congressional Letter to UK MPs on Legacy Bill Issues

Editors’ Notes: This intervention follows extensive and consistent engagements between congressional representatives and Relatives for Justice and the Ancient Order of Hibernians USA. Report can be read here:

L-R RFJ CEO Mark Thompson, Congressman Brendan Boyle, AOH President Danny O’Connell

RFJ AOH Legacy Briefings